I've been sitting here a bit, wondering what to write, and got to pondering that I have a birthday in a couple of weeks. I'll be 62. Wow! My children are all adults, most, in their 30's. Which in my mind, is kind of where I always picture myself. And no, I don't know why. Other than my youngest child being born, the only other big event I had in my 30's was retiring from the U.S. Coast Guard. (I joined at 17). I'm actually in better physical condition than I was when my 30's ended. Well, enough mental meandering.
I can say that at 62, I have a pretty good life. I've retired from 2 careers, and other than a 6 month part-time job, I haven't worked since age 60. And at this point, I feel no need to. I'm not rich, but my wife and I are comfortable and our house is ours. We enjoy just being us and spending time with our (canine) girls. I read, watch TV, and putter around the house and yard, when- and if - I want. DKW and I make no demands on each other, and when we do have the rare disagreement, we get it smoothed out pretty quickly. Life IS good!
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